The LED Panel plug-in creates an LED panel style texture.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Shader -> Effects
LED Panel Properties
Pixel Size: Determines the size of pixels in the LED board.
Billboard Size X: Determines the width of the LED board (for example, using a Pixel Size of
and a Billboard Size of10
shows ten LEDs).Billboard Size Y: Determines the height of the LED board.
Tolerance: Threshold that defines which pixels belong to an LED.
Pixel Radius: Sets the maximum size/radius of the LED.
Luminance Steps: Determines number of discrete luminance steps the LED panel is able to show.
Luminance Boost: Determines factor to increase luminance.
Color Boost: Enhances the RGB values of the image.
Noise: Defines texture where LEDs are already burnt out or damaged (white is interpreted as functional, black is treated as damaged).
Wrap: Sets whether to use texture repeat or clamping mode.
Burnt Out Percent: Determines the percentage of pixels that appear to be broken or burnt out.
Background Color: Determines the background color of the LED board.