
The DataViz3Script plug-in invokes a predefined Viz 3 scripting subroutine or function, with the updated value of its defined data field (DataPool variable) or with a DataPool expression as an argument.

In the case of a function, the returned value of the function can be assigned to a DataPool variable.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Container plug-ins -> Data

Information: DataPool plug-ins only work properly on a single channel on the same machine.

DataViz3Script Properties

  • Script Type: Defines the location of the script, containing the requested function/procedure. Select Container to use a function in a container script or Scene to use a function in the scene setting script module.

  • Function Name: Sets the name of the function/procedure to be called when the data field changes.

  • Transferred Argument: Selects the argument that is sent to the function/procedure. Select Variable Value to set the data field value to the memory key and to use the data field value as the function argument. Select DP Expression to send a DataPool expression to the function/procedure. When DP Expression is selected, an additional parameter is enabled: Expression String. Define the DataPool expression that results in a string. The resulting string is sent as an argument (or arguments) to the function/procedure.

  • Use Return Value: Defines if the returned value from the defined function is re-used by the plug-in. When set to Off, no return value is used. When set to On, additional parameters are enabled:

    • Output Field: Sets the data field name that the returned value is assigned to.

    • Output Scope: Defines the output field scope: Local or global. The value returned from the function is assigned to the defined output field.