
The DataSHM (Shared Memory) plug-in uses a defined data field or a DataPool expression to update a string type shared memory entry.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Container plug-ins -> Data

Information: DataPool plug-ins only work properly on a single channel on the same machine.

DataSHM Properties

  • Shares Memory Type: Selects the shared memory in Viz 3 that the memory key is defined in. For additional information about Shared Memory, refer to the Viz Artist User Guide.

  • Shares Memory Key Name: Defines the shared memory key name that receives the data field value or DataPool expression.

  • Transferred Argument: Selects the argument type that is sent to the shared memory key. Select Variable Value to set the data field value to the memory key. Select DP Expression to send a DataPool expression to the shared memory key. When DP Expression is selected, an additional parameter is enabled: Expression String. Define the DataPool expression that results in a string. The resulting string is sent to the shared memory key.