
The Control World plug-in allows you to expose a set of properties to the operator.

Control World is a replacement for Control Map with many more options and on-the-fly feedback from Viz Artist/Engine.

Note: Control World and Control Map plug-ins are not compatible. In Template Wizard versions 8.6 and lower, an error message pops up the first time you browse for a map set up with Control World plug-in.

The control can expose different fields based on the container it resides on. When tabbing to the control (in a navigator scene) the camera jumps to map location and all feedback (exact camera position) is immediate.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Container plug-ins -> Control

Control World Properties

  • Client Mode: Sets the client mode to Full or Simple. When selecting a map, this opens the full or simple map client in the control application.

  • Input: Sets the exposed properties. The field is based on the input from NavFinder; however, you may also manually change this field.

See Also