The Control Action plug-in executes an action, for example Viz Engine commands or Control Object commands, when receiving input on the input field.
The action can contain more than one command to be called, and the commands must be separated by semicolons.
When Notify Only When Value Change is checked the actions are only triggered if the input value differs from the one already stored on the “input” field from previous invocations.
Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Container plug-ins -> Control
Control Action Properties
Input Value: Specifies the value input to compare against.
Notify Only When Value Change: Triggers a command when a value is changed.
Action Type
Viz Command: Triggers an internal Viz Engine command (for example, "
).ControlObject Command: Triggers a Control Object command (for example,
"ON 1 SET abc"
Action: Actions to execute if values match.
See Also