
The Colorize plug-in allows you to transform the colors of containers within a container group. If you for instance have 15 Sub-Containers in a group, the colorize plug-in assign numbers to each container by the order they have in the group. You can then define for each Sub-Container which color it should have to start with and which color it should change to.

Colorize can define up to ten colors. Each color is able to influence more than one container. The Num Color1-10 parameters allow you to link multiple containers to one color in the colorize plug-in. Each of the Sub-Containers must have its own material for Colorize to work.

Note: This plug-in is located in: Plugins -> Container plug-ins -> Tools

Colorize Properties

  • Colorize: Runs the color transformation. One number corresponds to one container.

  • Animation Start: Allows you to select the starting point for the color change.

  • Default Color: Sets the color for containers in the group which are not selected for color transformation. To set it, use the color editor below or drag a material from the Server Panel onto the small square.

  • Num Color1 A to 10 A: Assigns the starting colors to containers, from which the color change starts. The value sets the number of containers to be linked with the corresponding color in the Color1 A: 10 A parameters. The function starts counting from the first undefined container. This means that, if color 1 A has the value 2, color 2 A has the value 3 and 3 A has the value 1, the two first containers get the properties of color 1 A, container 3: 5 get the properties of color 2 A and container 6 gets the properties for color 3 A.

  • Color1 A to 10 A: Sets the colors for 1 A: 10 A. You can set each color using two methods:

    • Either select the color by clicking the color icon and then set the color properties at the color editor at the bottom, or

    • Drag a material from the Server Panel onto the color icon of the color you want to set.

  • Num Color1 B to 10 B: Assigns the ending color to containers, to which the color change ends. The value sets the number of containers to be linked with the corresponding color in the Color 1 B: 10 B parameters. The function starts counting from the first undefined container. This means that, if color 1 B has the value 2, color 2 B has the value 3 and 3 B has the value 1, the two first containers get the properties of color 1 A, container 3: 5 get the properties of color 2 B and container 6 gets the properties for color 3 B.

  • Color1 B to 10 B: Sets the color for 1 B: 10 B. You can set each color using two methods:

    • Either select the color by clicking the color icon and then set the color properties at the color editor at the bottom, or

    • Drag a material from the Server Panel onto the color icon of the color you want to set.

  • Rebuild: After having made changes to colors and assigning containers, click rebuild to apply the changes.